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I'm Retired

So it's official friends. I'm retiring from the great world of racing. Kind of. I mean, if I see a race I really want to do, I'll maybe do it. But for now even looking at races for next year is uninteresting to me. 

I spoke to some of my very trusted sources and they all agree - throw the deuce and do yo thang. They may or may not have used those exact words.

What is interesting is after I emailed my coach and the wonderful folks at Ironman I was really expecting to feel some hint of sadness. I also kind of wanted to ride my bike and watch Shahs of Sunset (the first show I ever watched on a bike trainer). But the reality was that I felt completely at peace. Some of my stress lifted and I just felt happy. Suddenly I could run or bike or swim or lift or yoga whenever I wanted. No calendar with little colors and fields to dictate what I have to do and when. And as a bonus, I don't have to eat quite so much quite so often. Hallelujah. 

You could probably call me a quitter if you wanted. I did technically quit. But that wouldn't be very nice of you, I also wouldn't care. If I've learned anything from losing weight, training and racing it's that if you don't want to do it, you won't do it and you damn sure won't do it well. The last 3 days I trained were garbage miles because I just didn't put anything into it. So why bother right?

A friend of mine from the Tri club has also been having some issues with injury so the two of us are going to get together for some strength and flexibility sessions so that when we one day train again we won't be all banged up for once.

I'm also well on my way to becoming a minimalist with my latest action, trashing the scale. More on that later.


  1. I agree with Tyler, You are awesome! And I am excited for you! Now, where is my VitV TV special?!

  2. I would never call you a quitter... I see you STARTING a new path is how I see it :)

    You're becoming quite the 'finding yourself' athlete lately - pretty awesome!

  3. You're not a quitter... you're staring something new and you'll rock that just like you rocked weight loss and training before. I totally feel you on wanting to just stop racing. I'm kind of very looking forward to the days after the PHM when I don't HAVE to run.


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