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Liebster Award

Can you believe it? I take a total hiatus from blogging and win an award! Kind of. I should quit blogging more often.

More importantly, my good friend over at Press On and Run gave ME the Liebster Award and every award winner must do their diligence to follow the rules and of course give an acceptance speech. Except this speech is really a blog and it's just answering a few questions. So without further ado...

The Rules
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you
2. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award
4. You must create 10 questions for your nominees
5. You must go to their blogs and notify the nominees

And now, my answers:

1. Your favorite piece of running equipment?

Oh maybe? I have an obscene amount of running shoes from working at that running store but it's all for not if I don't have a good sports bra. My current favorites would be the Moving Comfort Maia or Vixen. Highly recommended :)

2. When did you start running & why?

I first started running when I was in 7th grade on the high school cross country and track teams so I could fit in with my friends at the time. I was absolutely terrible at cross country in comparison to the rest of the team but found I was actually a pretty good sprinter so track was a little less embarrassing. I quit running through high school due to that slow runner embarrassment and didn't start running again until college when I did my first 5k with my sister. I ran all through college culminating in my first marathon the same year I graduated and it was an awful experience so I quit running again for about 2 years. I finally forgot the first marathon and have been back together to running for a little while now. I can't answer the why really. It's just such a complicated answer! Can any runner say why?

3. Favorite athlete (can be in any sport)

It's cliche of course to say Shalane Flanagan and Mirinda Carfrae even though it's true. I also totally love the WWE Divas because yeah, they're actors/performers but if you really look at it, they're pretty amazing physical specimens too! Brie Bella and Trinity are my girls btw. (Yes, I watch too much reality tv)

4. Shorts, capris or running skirt?

Capris until I can afford those really great non-slip 7 in Brooks shorts! 

5. Favorite brand of shoes?

There's no way I can answer that. Currently my Mizunos and Sauconys are my favorites but that can change day to day.

6. Worst running injury?

Oh just that pesky broken leg last fall. I mean, who gets a femoral stress fracture?

7. What you wish you could go back & tell your younger running self?


8. What one food do you usually eat every day?

Almonds probably. Either solo, with other nuts or in a bar. I actually don't eat many foods everyday anymore. I'm working on variety!

9. Favorite TV show you're watching right now?

Hmmm.... Total Divas probably since Homeland, House of Cards and White Collar are done. Now is when I shut my brain off and stare.

10. Favorite Disney Character you relate to the most :)

I don't know that I can think of one. I always liked Belle growing up because she read books and protected her family and had a horse. So let's go with that.

Easy enough, huh? So here are my picks, go visit each of their blogs because they rock! 
Here are your questions ladies!
  1. Why did you start a blog?
  2. What's one thing you're secretly a little cocky over? Give yourself some props here!
  3. What is your preferred form of torture aka exercise? 
  4. What is your favorite food?
  5. Where is your dream vacation spot?
  6. Any bad habits?
  7. Tell us your funniest gym story, or if you don't have one, just tell us a funny story.
  8. Do you remember life before blogs? What did you read?
  9. What do you love most about the city you live in?
  10. What do you want to be when you grown up?


  1. You like me... you really like me! lololol! I love House of Cards too. The hubs and I watched seasons 1 and 2 recently and can't wait for the next season to come out.

  2. Ooo thanks lady!!! I'll be putting up my post shortly. :)

    I love Belle too. But I'm a sucker for Alice.

  3. We just became closer friends because you chose Belle :)
    Thanks for playing along! I loved all your answers.
    I know you're the expert on shoes. Its like naming your favorite child - right? ;)


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