So my friend, fellow blogger and 1/2 of Team Awesome suggested that I let you all (you know, both of you) in on my final thoughts from training for my first tri. I've decided to do this as sort of a series, primarily because I'm sleepy right now and don't feel like writing a whole big long blog like the last two. So I'll start with what I like to call "things that used to matter." When you take on a big undertaking or make a significant change in your life things tend to, well, change. Before I started training, working out was a priority for me but not to the degree it became. Here are some examples of things that took a back seat. Television - The thing about tv is that mine is attached to a dvr. Even with the dvr it used to be important to me to wake up in the morning and spend some alone time catching up on all of last night's drama. Throughout the summer I was literally deleting things that I just couldn't keep up with because that morning downt...