It's August 1st! Oh. em. gee! My race is in 24 days! So unbelievable! Even more so because I have yet to do a proper workout this week. Ok, so we did a mini-tri on Monday just to see what it was like. We (me and Alexis) swam the full race length (500m) then biked 6.1 miles (was supposed to be 5 but there were...issues. race distance is 10mi) then I ran 1.5 miles and Alexis ran 2. My swim wasn't great, not sure why but on my bike I flew (I use that word loosely) along like normal. I can't wait until race day when it's just "ride without worrying about traffic lights and cars" time. Wonder how fast I can go... Anyway, then came the run. Seriously, I was another person. I ran an 11:55 mile! I haven't done that since before the hiatus. Back in the day (a Wednesday) I used to run right around a 10 minute mile. Sometimes slower, sometimes faster but usually about 10. When I came back after my 2 years off I was completing miles in about 15 minutes. Notice I didn't say "running". I was not exactly running miles. By about April or so I was sticking with 13-14 minute miles. And 13 minutes was pretty rare. On July 13th I ran a 12:45 mile (on hills) and was pretty spent. Although it was also extremely hot and after work. I had no idea I was capable of 11:55 though. So because of my super sprint tri on Monday I took 2 days off. Actually yesterday I was exhausted for some reason. I don't know that Monday's workout was the reason. And today I'm still a little tired but mostly just being lazy. Tomorrow morning I'm planning to swim but with having to work an hour earlier on Thursdays I generally do a brick after work. The official training plan doesn't have anymore bricks scheduled and has me back to resting 2 days per week instead of 1. I guess I've done my 2 days so back to the grind tomorrow.
Wow, what a title right? Although I also could have titled it the greatest race of my life. Wanna know why? Yeah I thought you might. The week leading up to the race wasn't a great one. Stress at work, general grumpiness etc. etc. etc. So I really wasn't expecting much as far as performance but I wanted to get a 10K in really badly before the marathon relay this Saturday so I thought What the hell and signed up. The atmosphere at Komen events is like none other. Pink everywhere and For someone who hates crowds (i.e. ME) there are few things that will lure me to a crowded place. Races just tend to be one of those things. Anyway, there was a great survivors parade and all kinds of booths and music and general funness. What there wasn't plenty of was parking. Which I guess is the norm for an event of this caliber. Survivors' Parade Great Ladies I never got the chance to meet... Seriously packed at the start! Autumn Alexis, The Colonel and I g...
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