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Showing posts from June, 2012

Sleep When You're Tired, Not When You're Dead

Training for a triathlon has already taught me a lot about myself and I'm *technically* only 3 weeks in. But one of the best things it's taught me is how truly great I am at sleeping. Why don't we have races for that? Whoever falls asleep fastest gets a free tshirt, medal and footie pajamas. They say it takes the average person like 7 minutes of laying still to fall asleep. I'd say it takes me about a minute and a half...and I'm still moving to get comfortable. Maybe I have a disorder. But I think that would be called triathleitis which is greek for "one who trains to perfect 3 sports at once...and is insane." I've *almost* always been an outstanding sleeper but I've really learned in my old age how important sleep really is. It helps me lose weight, train smart and successfully, remain patient and less agitated, controls my anxiety and most of all makes every day awesome! What's funny is that I've been typing this for way too long because ...

Eagle Creek Sprint Tri

Yesterday Tyler and I went to Indianapolis to volunteer at the Eagle Creek Sprint Triathlon. This was the first race of a summer sprint tri series and was at the same place I'll be doing my tri in August so I thought this was a great opportunity to check things out. We were working in the transition area and I was really excited about that because it's an important part of the race and the part I wanted to get some pointers on. It was so much fun! The only other tri I've been to is the Ironman Louisville where I was a production assistant for Ironman Live. Incredible, yes. But a totally different league so I was definitely excited to see how "real" people transitioned. Surprisingly, they transition an awful lot like Ironmen. I'm definitely nervous about the open water swimming but I think I can survive...hopefully. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment... [caption id="attachment_434" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The res...

The Bumblebee

Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know it, so it goes on flying anyway. This is one of my favorite quotes of all time. I heard it for the first time when I was working at The Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies and it's just really stuck with me these years. As a woman who weighs nearly 200lbs (woo hoo! I don't weigh 200lbs anymore!!!!) I shouldn't be able to complete a 5k, 10k or 10 miler. I shouldn't be able to ride my bike for any miles let alone 5 without being winded. I shouldn't even be in the position to CONSIDER completing a triathlon. But I'm doing it anyway. I wish that we could all be like the bumblebee. We have no idea what we're capable of so why do we limit ourselves? If we never knew there were things we couldn't do would they become things we could do? Enough of my philosophy for now...on the schedule for yesterday was a 200m swim. I did it after my initial CrossFit evaluation (wh...

Exercise or Die

I know, I know, I suck at blogging. But for once I have a great excuse. I'm officially training for a triathlon! I'm pretty sure anyone who actually reads this already knows that but I thought I'd tell all of cyberspace. The biggest problem with training is that I'm so sleepy by the time I sit down for the day! I get up early (around 5:30 or 6am), workout, go to work all day, home by 5:30 or 6, cook dinner, attempt to spend time with the kiddos and Tyler and fall asleep by like 9. I know, it's pitiful, pathetic even! But I just can't keep my eyes open by the time I eat dinner and sit down. On the bright side, I've lost 15 pounds (almost 16) since I've started my real eat right and exercise lifestyle changes! I've lost inches here and there and am down to a size 12 (was wearing a 16 at my highest) and I really am proud of myself. But g-damn is it frustrating! Sometimes I just feel like I'm the only one in the world who used to be skinny . Like I...