Are you guys tired of hearing about triathlons yet? Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for you, I'm never tired of writing about them. So here we go. When I was little, I was mildly adventurous. I remember bus evacuation day when I was in 1st grade. 2 of the tall kids on the bus would jump out the emergency exit in the back of the bus first then one by one all of us would follow with the tall kids taking our hands and helping us out. By 3rd grade, I was one of the tall kids. Sensing the impending duty of being the first one off the bus I began contemplating first, what would happen if I died jumping out of the back of a bus with no one to help me. Then, I contemplated what would happen to the other kids. Then the day came, I thought, "How hard could it be?" and jumped. Do you know what happened? You're right, I didn't die. The moral of this story is that I went through a phase in life that I think we all go through where suddenly I stopped thinking, "How ha...