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Who is the Vegetarian in the Ville?

I do believe I have a few new followers thanks to my very first giveaway hosted by Kaliwood. Everyone join me in congratulating our winner, Mika from Fort Lauderdale! Say, Mika, is the weather better there than it is here in the Derby City? We're actually going through a tiny spurt of good weather right now before the tornadoes roll in so I can't complain. But back to the point, I answered a little survey today to give you all a little peek into who I really am. Hopefully you'll all learn something and feel free to answer some of these yourself in the comments. I'd love to get to know you too!

1. What are you doing right now?

Aside from blogging and not doing the things I'm supposed to be doing, I am "carb loading" for my 10 miler tomorrow and pretending that I'm watching The Expendables on SpikeTV because it's a good movie and not just because I like to look at Jason Statham.

2. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?

Hmm...that I'm not sure about since I really don't use my ipod too much anymore these days. But my favorite song right now is Just Give Me a Reason by my favorite lady, P!nk.


3. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

Actual activity would probably be cycling. I don't hate the trainer as much as most people because I do a lot of homework and watch stuff while I'm on it. But most things I do inside I don't mind doing outside. Including sleep. Just keep this decent weather!

4. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

Dishes. I hate washing dishes. You'd think I'd find a place with a dishwasher by now but I'm not that sharp.

5. Have you ever had something happen to you that you thought was bad but it turned out to be for the best?

Haven't we all? Probably the biggest thing would be not doing as well on the LSAT as I had hoped. At the time I was devastated. It was literally my life plan to become a lawyer and I had been thinking about law school since high school. Not doing so great on the test which turned my second choice schools into reach schools was really hard on me. Looking at my life now I'm so glad I didn't choose law school because I really think I would've been extremely unhappy. I love anthropology and I'm so glad that my life was shaken so hard back in 2009 to lead me where I am now. Ask me again in 10 years when I have debt and possibly no job though. The answer might be different ;)

6. When was the last time you were nervous?

Oh boy. I'm a Nervous Nelly! I'm always nervous about something! I was nervous driving this morning because my check engine light was on. I was nervous my dog would fall coming down the stairs after her bath. I'm nervous about the big game tomorrow. I'm also nervous about the 10 miler. Whew, let's just stop there.

7. Do you wear contacts?'s that for a random question?

8. What color shirt are you wearing?

RED!!!! GO CARDS! It was proclaimed as "ware" red day today in the city and I literally saw people in red EVERYWHERE. Louisville is so awesome.

9. What book are you reading now?

Muslim Nationalism and the New Turks. Yeah...

10. What is the farthest you have been from home?

Greece for sure, but I'm not sure which city in Greece was the farthest so we'll just leave it there.

11. Whats the next planned event you're looking to in your life?

I'm looking forward to a lot! Which is really exciting! Tomorrow's race and game are the most immediate but I'm also looking forward to finishing this semester, my first "grown up" Derby party and going to Peru.

12. What was the last thing you ate that you really shouldn't have?

Probably my mini pizza for lunch. But it's all in the name of carb loading. And in my defense, I tried to eat a salad but it was gross so pizza was all I had on hand ;)

13. If money were not an object, what would you do with your life?

What's really great is that I think I'd be doing what I'm doing now. Just in a more extreme way. I would for sure go to school and learn everything I wanted to learn without worrying about how to pay for it. And I would travel which I plan to do anyway but I'd do it now. And often. 

14. Are you always early or terminally late?

Early bird, guilty as charged. I wake up like 3 hours before I have to be somewhere and I don't even do hair or makeup like most women so I literally just get up and get dressed. And then I leave for everywhere 1 hour to 30 minutes before I have to be there. I have a problem. It's a compulsion.

15. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

Gabrielle Union because I'm obsessed with her. Not as obsessed as I am with P!nk but pretty obsessed.

So there are 15 answers to 15 totally random questions for you. Want to answer any? Do it in the comments! Or better yet Ask me More! I love answering questions...most of the time and if I know what you want to know I'll be able to actually write things you'll care about. 


Me and my sister when we were itty bitty



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