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Earlier this week I tweeted a question to my followers (p.s. You should be one!) asking how I would spend my last free Saturday before inviting in the marathon monster.

Upon further investigation I found that since I ended up changing my mind about which race I was going to do I was already a week behind.

So last Saturday was my last time to sleep in. Which I didn't do, if you'll recall that little swim I did. It was mildly disappointing but last night I decided to suck it up and spent a few minutes updating my play list so I could actually enjoy myself. What is it about new music that makes you really excited to run and listen to it? I mean, realistically I could just listen to the songs whenever I want.


Anyway, in an attempt to do it right from the start this time I was up around 5 am so I actually had time to eat before I ran. I didn't do a great job at it today but at least being awake early will serve me well when I really need to eat. 

I got out to the park around 6:45 and actually warmed up with some dynamic stretches (see: doing it right this time) and was ready to run by 7. I only had 5 miles on the schedule but considering I've been averaging 5 running miles a week for the past several months (thanks swimming) I wasn't terribly optimistic. The humidity was oppressive but it was overcast and only in the 70s so really the best I could ask for at the end of June in Louisville. It wasn't pretty but I made it through and saw way too many people I knew out running too including my briefly hired former triathlon coach, my chiropractor, a woman I know from dailymile and another woman I volunteer with. I guess I really am part of this running community.

Post run I took my very first true selfie I think.

Then I did a little video recap so I can look back on this experience fondly in a few months. I've never really done any kind of film work aside from a dance party video montage DVD in high school so I think this will be a fun little project. Follow along if you'd like :)


  1. ONLY? Only 5 miles? that's an awesome start.. & under an hour? Keep it up!!!
    I love you're going to document this way - I may need to start doing that!


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