Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! I know you've never heard that before but that's why you read my blog, for groundbreaking revelations. via Seriously though, there are a lot of reasons that breakfast is important to eat. It gets your motor revved up for the day, feeding your brain early and often keeps it focused and eating early can actually help stave off cravings or excessively large meals later in the day that can leave you feeling sluggish. That said, here's a quick post about my top 3 favorite fast and easy breakfasts. *Disclaimer* These are not the most nutritionally beneficial meals in the world. If you have time a very full and balanced breakfast with fruits and vegetables is best. But for people like me, I take what I can get. 1. Oatmeal I may or may not be obsessed with oatmeal and may or may not have paid for imported Canadian oatmeal based solely on a television show and clever advertising. Luckily, it's actually really really ...