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50 Things About Me

My dear blog friend Beth recently updated her 100 Things About Me list after a few years and it was awesome. Since I like to plan ahead, I'm going to make a 100 50 Things About Me list and in 5 years once blogs are obsolete I'll update it and laugh. 

1. I really like to talk about myself.

2. But I don't always like to discuss my goals.

3. I've worked hard over the years to become a more positive person but still default to a Negative Nancy if I'm not careful.

4. I have a therapist and have had therapists off and on since I was 19. I'm not embarrassed about it anymore and in fact think pretty much everyone could benefit from them.

5. I used to seriously consider becoming a therapist but that's started to fade in recent years.

6. I haven't had a pork chop in probably 10 years.

7. I will always always always choose salt over sugar in any type of food situation.

8. I got my first job when I was 14 and was paid under the table for about 6 months until I was 15 and legally allowed to work. I also worked more than the legal number of hours in a day so we would have to fudge my time card so it looked like I only worked for like 2 hours every single day.

9. Everyday I'm hustlin'. Seriously though, I'm a workaholic and it's not something I'm necessarily proud of.

10. I have the same Myers-Briggs personality type as Isaac Newton, Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Hawking, Russell Crowe and Julia Stiles.

11. I have always wanted to be a scientist of some kind but let horrible high school teachers talk me out of it and into the English/fine arts world.

12. I'm honestly one of those jerks who is decent at everything. I've definitely come across things that are really hard but if I learn about it and try it, I can probably do it. I'm the Jack of All Trades, Master of None.

13. I was told by an astrologer that I have double twin signs which is why I can be so indecisive and have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time.

14. I believe in all of those alternative life things (astrology, acupuncture, herbal remedies etc.)

15. I'm by far my own worst enemy and am working hard on getting out of my own way so I can lead a happier life.

16. I can easily become anyone's biggest cheerleader. I attach myself to other people and take their goals on as my own and then obsessively stalk them until it's achieved (if I know your last name and there's a race results page, you'd better believe I've looked you up)

17. I am painfully shy if I don't actively talk myself through social situations. When I was little teachers used to tell my mom to have me "tested" because they honestly believed I couldn't talk.

18. I've always lived older than I really am. When I was in daycare the best part of my day was when my sister would get back from school and I'd go sit with the big kids while they did homework.

19. I used to beg my Dad to make homework assignments for me so I could fit in with my sister when she did hers.

20. I really love my sister.

21. I really miss my Dad who died of cancer when I was 6.

22. I honestly have a hard time using words to describe my mom. She's just crazy and awesome.

23. I'm a New Yorker. I was born there and assume a semblance of the accent whenever I'm in the northeast.

24. I can actually imitate accents really easily.

25. I know "most words to all songs" as The Colonel says. I hear songs a few times and somehow just remember the lyrics.

26. I'm pretty sure that if I'd had a much more traumatizing and terrible childhood I would've turned into a prodigy. Unfortunately, my childhood was amazing.

27. I get really really interested in statistics and demographics and numbers about really random things (like ebola) 

28. I'm really proud of my personal trainer certification but struggle to figure out which direction to take it.

29. I'm very interested in kinesiology and often think about going back to school for it.

30. I can talk myself out of everything and miss out on a lot of opportunities because of it.

31. The only race I've ever watched and truly thought I would never do is the Badwater Ultramarathon. Desert? Melting shoes? Chapped lips? Nope.

32. I used to be an incredibly picky eater until I went to Europe when I was 17 and had no choice but to eat what was there. Since then I've become much more flexible and have learned about a lot of fun foods. 

33. That said, I seriously don't like to eat. I can't explain why.

34. I'm almost always cold but I get hot really easily and hate it.

35. I love winter and hate summer.

36. Even though I hate summer, I love sunshine and hate when winter is gray and gloomy.

37. I like to think of myself as a phenomenal dancer...or at the very least, not a bad one.

38. My senses are easily overloaded so sometimes I have a hard time in crowds or in places like casinos or anywhere else that has a lot going on at once. 

39. I don't like Halloween because picking a good costume is too much pressure for me.

40. I had surgery on my foot in 2006 after I dropped a knife on it and refer to the scar as my "Harry Potter" scar because it's zigzagged like a lightning bolt.

41. I've only read one Harry Potter book and that's because I had to when I was in the 8th grade. It was the second one and I was confused and hated it.

42. I always think I want to flip and renovate houses but then feel bothered when I even have to change a light bulb and decide against it.

43. I'm learning that time is infinitely more valuable than money.

44. I have a competitive side that I have to constantly check to avoid sucking the fun out of racing and training.

45. I'm a perfectionist.

46. I used to pretend to be the pink power ranger when I was little and used a hanger as a bow and arrow. It was so freaking fun.

47. I still can't really do a proper pull up. And that's embarrassing.

48. I let people borrow things then forget to ask for them back for years. And by then I'm too embarrassed to ask.

49. I have this really bizarre love for Canada even though I've never been there and random Canadian people and products.

50. I can't think of anything else I'd like to share.


  1. I have never done a pull up - ever.
    I had to laugh about Halloween & the stress of a costume.
    I have let people borrow so many books & I don't have the guts to ask for them back either.
    I wish I had a sister!!!
    I'm sorry you lost your dad so young...


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